Sunday, December 13, 2009

Children and money

Learn how to teach the child the right attitude to money, many parents are thinking only when the child was finishing school. Meanwhile, psychologists are convinced that the child's relationship with money begins to be constructed much earlier. How to avoid mistakes and what to say to children?
In many western countries in recent years has become an interesting trend is noticeable. Adolescents who become students and began independent from their parents life increasingly extremely unwise to spend money.

A study by Nellie Mae, providing loans to students showed that students in colleges and universities are almost three times as many credit cards (they allow you to spend a certain amount of money allocated by the bank) than adults, and almost twice as large amounts of debt on these cards.

As advised on this matter experts? What advice they give to parents? Unfortunately, often these few tips contradict each other, but in many respects overlap. They share a few fundamental postulates: the child should be taught to use money, we should cooperate with the child and the child should always be honest.

Specialists from the American Institute of Financial Education potrebiteleyInstitute of Consumer Financial Education offers the following recommendations for parents who want to teach children to use money wisely.

Children under 8 years

1. Division of responsibility in the family. Even four year-old is able to remove their toys. Create a list of duties that may carry the children to get an award some money. Keep a piggy bank, where the child will be folded earnings.

2. Do not buy toys at the request of the child. Teach him to think about upcoming holidays and birthday, to which he is sure to receive a gift.

3. Teach your child to understand the interconnectedness of actions and consequences. To get something, we must bear responsibility for something.

Children 8-12 years

1. Allow your child to assist you in making decisions. For example, take it with you in the grocery store and advises what to buy for dinner.

2. The best way to teach children to save money, to show that the money should earn. Gifts should not be done constantly.

3. Do not pay kids for what they are performing their normal duties, for example, for "good behavior".

Children 13 years and older

1. Be constant. All family members should always perform their duties. Nothing can prevent your child to do homework or do the dishes for themselves.

2. Help your child understand that the most important interests of the whole family, not his personal predilections.

Psychologists from the University of North Dakota State University DakotyNorth offer the following recommendations to parents.

Children always learn to use the money. From this ability depends not only on their future well-being, but also their lives and perceptions of life.

Children are not born with a sense of money "- parents need to help them do so.

The main tasks of parents:

- The child must understand the difference between "want" and "can".

- The child must understand that any resources, including money, are limited.

- The child must understand that planning can save money.

- The child must understand that it is an important part of the family and other family members are counting on him.

Most of the knowledge in this sphere the child receives, watching the daily activities of their parents and other adults. To achieve results, parents should:

- Advise and assist, and not to command and dictate to children as possible to save and spend money.

- Praise more than criticize. Errors child - part of his training.

- Never pay money and not "fine" for such things as good or bad behavior, or ordinary family responsibilities. Routine work of cleaning, housekeeping, and so is the responsibility of all members of the family.

- Be consistent and, most importantly, honest.

- Organize regular family conferences with the participation of children for whom, and discuss money matters, for example, plan for major purchases.

- Demonstrate to children, adults build your family budget.

- Know the rights and responsibilities of consumers.


- Parents should provide an opportunity for the child to choose between two or three objects. The child must understand the limitations of choice.

- Walk to the shops with their parents. Child can independently pay for their purchases.

- The child must understand that family members should spend money not only for toys and entertainment, but also on housing, buy food, clothing, etc.

- The child must understand how important it is to save money.

Students in junior classes

- It is important to open a savings account in a bank in the name of the child.

- Parents should regularly give your child small amounts of money. Children and parents should work together to decide how and when to spend it.

- Parents must provide the child an opportunity to earn extra money. To do this, give him specific and clear assignments.


- Parents should help teenagers to save money for long-term goals.

- Teens need to understand how and supplemented at a cost of a family budget.

- Adolescents should be involved in the calculation of income and expenditure of the family.

- Teenagers should be talking about how the system of finance - banks, insurance companies, etc.

But Sharon Danes, MinnesottyUniversity professor at the University of Minnesota offers the following tips to parents on how to solve this problem.


- Saving and spending money. Play with the child in the store, using toy money.

- Money - is a means to get what you want. Together with your child, take on hire something that should be returned (eg, video with cartoons).

- At this age, children believe that all the money the same. Show your child the difference between coins and bills of various denominations.

- The child tries to copy adults. Read his book, which describe the operation with the money.

- Children do not see the difference between fantasy and reality. Show your child that television advertising is not the full truth.

Younger students

- At this age, children can take from store shelves, something that they liked. To avoid this shows that all costs money, explain the importance of cash the check.

- The child must learn to understand the difference between the real value of the goods or services and the amount of money that can be spent on their purchase, he or his parents.


- A teenager may not be satisfied with the amount of money to give out his parents. Explain to him how much you earn and expend that money.

- Adolescents be taught to establish long-term goals and to think of ways to achieve them.

- A teenager craves independence, but is in complete financial dependence on parents. Help him find a job he can do in their free time. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Help plan how he will spend money.

- A young person may spend a lot of money on his social life at school. Ask him to help plan obschesemeyny leave.

- A teenager is more oriented to the views of peers than to the views of parents. Be sure to do so, he took part in family councils.

- Parents need to show teens how they can turn their time and energy into money. Demonstrate to him the importance of education for the acquisition of income in the future.
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