Sunday, November 22, 2009

A child cools the conjugal relationship

Little could "embroil" parents, especially if the young lived in married longer than the others, and in couples with high incomes.

American scientists have concluded that the appearance of the child in the family reduces the satisfaction of spouses in marriage. The degree of dissatisfaction affects financial situation, living together before marriage and relationships in families of parents of spouses.

In the eight-year study conducted at the University of Denver and the University of Texas A & M, attended by 218 couples. It was found that 90 per cent of the spouses are less satisfied with marriage after the birth of their first child. Especially strong this effect is observed in the period of adaptation to new conditions immediately after the appearance of progeny.

In addition, the researchers found that after the birth of the child more problems have spouses who lived together before marriage, as well as those whose parents often quarreled and divorced.

Smallest dissatisfaction relationship after the child was observed for those spouses who have lived before he married longer than the others, and in couples with high incomes. Some couples said that the birth of the child has further strengthened their relationship.

According to one researcher Professor Stanley Scott (Scott Stanley), should not be interpreted as the outcome of the claim that a baby reduces the happiness of life in general - after passing the temporary difficulties, it is possible to build a strong and happy family that brings great satisfaction to all its members .

It should be remembered that there were fewer divorces, the couple should think a hundred times if they can live together. Basically, everything happens on the emotions.

However, marriage - it is a huge work of two people, but sometimes we forget about it.

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