Sunday, December 13, 2009

Children and money

Learn how to teach the child the right attitude to money, many parents are thinking only when the child was finishing school. Meanwhile, psychologists are convinced that the child's relationship with money begins to be constructed much earlier. How to avoid mistakes and what to say to children?
In many western countries in recent years has become an interesting trend is noticeable. Adolescents who become students and began independent from their parents life increasingly extremely unwise to spend money.

A study by Nellie Mae, providing loans to students showed that students in colleges and universities are almost three times as many credit cards (they allow you to spend a certain amount of money allocated by the bank) than adults, and almost twice as large amounts of debt on these cards.

As advised on this matter experts? What advice they give to parents? Unfortunately, often these few tips contradict each other, but in many respects overlap. They share a few fundamental postulates: the child should be taught to use money, we should cooperate with the child and the child should always be honest.

Specialists from the American Institute of Financial Education potrebiteleyInstitute of Consumer Financial Education offers the following recommendations for parents who want to teach children to use money wisely.

Children under 8 years

1. Division of responsibility in the family. Even four year-old is able to remove their toys. Create a list of duties that may carry the children to get an award some money. Keep a piggy bank, where the child will be folded earnings.

2. Do not buy toys at the request of the child. Teach him to think about upcoming holidays and birthday, to which he is sure to receive a gift.

3. Teach your child to understand the interconnectedness of actions and consequences. To get something, we must bear responsibility for something.

Children 8-12 years

1. Allow your child to assist you in making decisions. For example, take it with you in the grocery store and advises what to buy for dinner.

2. The best way to teach children to save money, to show that the money should earn. Gifts should not be done constantly.

3. Do not pay kids for what they are performing their normal duties, for example, for "good behavior".

Children 13 years and older

1. Be constant. All family members should always perform their duties. Nothing can prevent your child to do homework or do the dishes for themselves.

2. Help your child understand that the most important interests of the whole family, not his personal predilections.

Psychologists from the University of North Dakota State University DakotyNorth offer the following recommendations to parents.

Children always learn to use the money. From this ability depends not only on their future well-being, but also their lives and perceptions of life.

Children are not born with a sense of money "- parents need to help them do so.

The main tasks of parents:

- The child must understand the difference between "want" and "can".

- The child must understand that any resources, including money, are limited.

- The child must understand that planning can save money.

- The child must understand that it is an important part of the family and other family members are counting on him.

Most of the knowledge in this sphere the child receives, watching the daily activities of their parents and other adults. To achieve results, parents should:

- Advise and assist, and not to command and dictate to children as possible to save and spend money.

- Praise more than criticize. Errors child - part of his training.

- Never pay money and not "fine" for such things as good or bad behavior, or ordinary family responsibilities. Routine work of cleaning, housekeeping, and so is the responsibility of all members of the family.

- Be consistent and, most importantly, honest.

- Organize regular family conferences with the participation of children for whom, and discuss money matters, for example, plan for major purchases.

- Demonstrate to children, adults build your family budget.

- Know the rights and responsibilities of consumers.


- Parents should provide an opportunity for the child to choose between two or three objects. The child must understand the limitations of choice.

- Walk to the shops with their parents. Child can independently pay for their purchases.

- The child must understand that family members should spend money not only for toys and entertainment, but also on housing, buy food, clothing, etc.

- The child must understand how important it is to save money.

Students in junior classes

- It is important to open a savings account in a bank in the name of the child.

- Parents should regularly give your child small amounts of money. Children and parents should work together to decide how and when to spend it.

- Parents must provide the child an opportunity to earn extra money. To do this, give him specific and clear assignments.


- Parents should help teenagers to save money for long-term goals.

- Teens need to understand how and supplemented at a cost of a family budget.

- Adolescents should be involved in the calculation of income and expenditure of the family.

- Teenagers should be talking about how the system of finance - banks, insurance companies, etc.

But Sharon Danes, MinnesottyUniversity professor at the University of Minnesota offers the following tips to parents on how to solve this problem.


- Saving and spending money. Play with the child in the store, using toy money.

- Money - is a means to get what you want. Together with your child, take on hire something that should be returned (eg, video with cartoons).

- At this age, children believe that all the money the same. Show your child the difference between coins and bills of various denominations.

- The child tries to copy adults. Read his book, which describe the operation with the money.

- Children do not see the difference between fantasy and reality. Show your child that television advertising is not the full truth.

Younger students

- At this age, children can take from store shelves, something that they liked. To avoid this shows that all costs money, explain the importance of cash the check.

- The child must learn to understand the difference between the real value of the goods or services and the amount of money that can be spent on their purchase, he or his parents.


- A teenager may not be satisfied with the amount of money to give out his parents. Explain to him how much you earn and expend that money.

- Adolescents be taught to establish long-term goals and to think of ways to achieve them.

- A teenager craves independence, but is in complete financial dependence on parents. Help him find a job he can do in their free time. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Help plan how he will spend money.

- A young person may spend a lot of money on his social life at school. Ask him to help plan obschesemeyny leave.

- A teenager is more oriented to the views of peers than to the views of parents. Be sure to do so, he took part in family councils.

- Parents need to show teens how they can turn their time and energy into money. Demonstrate to him the importance of education for the acquisition of income in the future.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

A child cools the conjugal relationship

Little could "embroil" parents, especially if the young lived in married longer than the others, and in couples with high incomes.

American scientists have concluded that the appearance of the child in the family reduces the satisfaction of spouses in marriage. The degree of dissatisfaction affects financial situation, living together before marriage and relationships in families of parents of spouses.

In the eight-year study conducted at the University of Denver and the University of Texas A & M, attended by 218 couples. It was found that 90 per cent of the spouses are less satisfied with marriage after the birth of their first child. Especially strong this effect is observed in the period of adaptation to new conditions immediately after the appearance of progeny.

In addition, the researchers found that after the birth of the child more problems have spouses who lived together before marriage, as well as those whose parents often quarreled and divorced.

Smallest dissatisfaction relationship after the child was observed for those spouses who have lived before he married longer than the others, and in couples with high incomes. Some couples said that the birth of the child has further strengthened their relationship.

According to one researcher Professor Stanley Scott (Scott Stanley), should not be interpreted as the outcome of the claim that a baby reduces the happiness of life in general - after passing the temporary difficulties, it is possible to build a strong and happy family that brings great satisfaction to all its members .

It should be remembered that there were fewer divorces, the couple should think a hundred times if they can live together. Basically, everything happens on the emotions.

However, marriage - it is a huge work of two people, but sometimes we forget about it.

What better to do, learning on the internet

Ironically, even in the virtual romantic relationship there are certain rules, the violation of which leads to the cessation of all communication. Women are often violate these unspoken rules, not even knowing it, and then wonder why the man did not answer their messages.

First, chatting in or join the e-mails, does not describe all the vicissitudes of his life, no matter how interesting it was. Most likely, such candor will scare the man, and he does not want to continue communication.

Give him the most important thing, without any scary parts - have saved them for later, when he wants to know more. Yes, details to follow "issue" strictly dosed, clearly responding to a question, nothing more, nothing less.

For example, the question of whether you have brothers or sisters to be answered briefly - "yes" or "no" and not dwell on your difficult - or, conversely, idyllic - a relationship with them. Often, men are asked this question out of politeness and absolutely do not expect to hear in response to the history of life in the spirit of Mexican melodramas.

So, just write what you have, for example, brother and sister, and show reciprocal interest. You should ask him as many questions as he was to you, that the parties were on equal footing. Nothing annoys a man as boring and verbose woman is not able to in time to be quiet and listen.

Secondly, NEVER, under any circumstances, do not lie. No doubt, sooner or later, your deception will certainly be revealed - as a rule, at the most inopportune moment. Many women (and men too) are lying about their age, marital status, height, weight, appearance and other important things, hoping to attract the attention of as many fans.

They made a big mistake. If so you will get acquainted with a man who will be really interesting to you, your deception will still be revealed, and further relations will be impossible. So honesty is still the best policy.

Sooner or later, find someone who likes you for what is, without embellishment. It will develop these relationships - depends on you. <

Finally, do not exhibit excessive activity. No need to overwhelm a man reports, postcards and photographs, or he thinks you are desperate, and that it immediately put off.

First of all, men - the conquerors, and if victory goes to them too easily, they quickly lose interest in it. But this does not mean to play the touchy and ignore the message.

Do not try the patience of men - believe me, it is not unlimited. So, look for a middle ground - not to fall asleep his letters, but do not make me wait for an answer too long. Do not lose your head - leave this matter to the man.

Do I need to "save" marriage?

Is it possible to glue together pieces of a broken marriage? And whether you want to do this? How to maintain family clinical psychologist with many years of experience, "broken" (ie, crisis) the marriage can be saved, but that both spouses must make every effort, patience and willingness to compromise.

In general, psychologists are five basic steps for the attainment of peace in the shattered family. Follow them - perhaps because you can actually save your marriage, heal broken hearts, to keep children healthy psyche, and property - divided. However, this requires a serious psychic work of both spouses ... But it's worth it!

As you should know, marriage - it is not a perpetual holiday, and a solid romance. Unfortunately, most of us are disastrously unprepared for this discovery. If your marriage is a crack, you know, you're not alone. Only in America with this problem sooner or later faces every second family.

The few that declare their absolute marital happiness and marital perfect understanding - either liars, or take drugs and why they all seem to say the least happy. But the problem is not that family life is the difficulty, but in how you and your husband / wife are committed to each other and are ready to overcome them together. So:

1. Recognize the seriousness of the problem.

If one spouse is going through a crisis, the crisis facing their marriage. Too often one partner suffers from a lack of understanding on a daily basis, while the other does not want to notice, lives in a blind (often deliberately chosen) ignorance, ignoring the seriousness of the problem.

If this situation is prolonged for too long, dissatisfied party may lose patience to decide on the most unexpected (in the opinion of the other party) acts, for example, treachery, departure, withdrawal, or even divorce. Believe me, in all family problems and quarrels are always to blame for both spouses. To the marriage failed, try to be both. If the marriage fails, blame should also be both.

2. Do not wait until the situation will resolve itself - go for it!

Most couples have been inactive for too long, and recalls only when it is too late to save the marriage impossible. While they have been inactive mutual insults, accusations, confusion and anger grow like a snowball, and as a result of such magnitude that deal with them is impossible, and neither spouse is not ready to forgive each other and make the first step towards reconciliation.

In rare cases, couples still like to refer to a family psychologist, counselor, but the pain is so severe that she was not overcome.
A marriage breaks up - first in my life, and then on paper.

3. Seek professional help.

If your family life is threatened, do not try to fix it yourself: I agree, if you knew how to do it, you would not have appeared in such situations. Yes, it is not easy to reveal the soul is absolutely a stranger is not easy to admit to the most intimate.

Yes, this requires considerable courage, but you swore to live with his elect (chosen one) to the grave, and sincerely believed in it - so why not make one more effort to save this union? First of all, you owe it to yourself.

A professional psychologist has extensive experience, special skills, he can reflect on your problem at a deeper level and give useful advice.

In addition, he will carefully listen to all your stories, and such "confession" facilitate your soul. But one should not guess that advises psychologist and how he will treat your situation.

Do not deprive your marriage a chance for salvation, does not belong to a psychologist a prejudiced - perhaps his assistance would be truly effective.

4. Be prepared to critically evaluate themselves.

In an uneasy alliance family partners know exactly opposite side of the shortcomings, and lay all the blame on her. Undoubtedly, this is very valuable information, but this is only half the picture. If you do not learn to take responsibility for errors or family problems, your marriage is doomed to failure.

5. Be ready for change.

Paradoxically, but after such an "overhaul" Marriage can be better and stronger than before the crisis, of course, if both spouses find the strength and wisdom to acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them.

In this case, a change - a synonym for development when you learn to listen not only to themselves but also for its second half, when you're ready to make mature informed decisions and to find compromise and to overcome the temptation to destructive thinking and behavior.

Regardless of how successful will "repair" your family boat, for the sake of these goals is to try. Such personality changes, of course, will benefit you, your work and relationships. Lose you still have nothing, but the payoff - is enormous.

Sure, the sad statistics of divorce you know: almost half of marriages ending in divorce. But no statistics can not tell you the following: serious work on the mistakes in marriage significantly increases your chances to save it.

Even today you can take a decision that will change your whole future life. Just try to follow that advice. Miracles still happen sometimes - especially with those who are ready to make some effort to do so.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Breast milk - the best and only food, which requires a child c birth to 4-6 months. If a child can not eat breast milk, pediatricians recommend the milk mixture with the addition of vitamins and iron.

When to start lure baby?

By 4-6 months the children began to disappear extruding reflex (infant tongue pushes all that put him in the mouth). This is a signal that can lure a child to begin solid foods.

How to lure?

Suggest lure can be used only if the child is rested and feels good, for example, after sleep. Baby should be sitting in his chair or on your lap.

Never force a child to eat. If he cries or turns away, perhaps a child is not ready to complementary feeding. Continue to feed him breast milk or infant formula and try again in a week or more.

What lure?

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends as the first solid food for the baby rice gruel. You can breed a little rice cereal with breast milk or milk mixture and invite your child on a special spoon. At first the child would eat no more than half a teaspoon, but very quickly begins to eat 2-3 tablespoons at a time.

Most doctors advise introduce porridge in the following order:

* Rice

Then, starting at 8 months:

* Oatmeal
* Pearl
* Wheat porridge and oatmeal mnogozernovye (these cereals are introduced in the least, to reduce the risk of allergies).

When a child learns to have porridge, you can enter pureed vegetables - easily digestible at first yellow and then green. You may enter vegetables in the following order:

* Carrots
* Maize
* Pumpkin
* Green Beans
* Peas
* Avocados

Then, you can enter unsweetened milk yogurt, and after them - mashed fruit.

* Apple
* Banana
* Peach
* Pear

At least the meat is introduced, because is most difficult to digest.

* Beef
* Chicken
* Turkey
* Lamb

How do I know whether a child allergic to certain foods?

If you give a child a new food, do not offer nothing new, at least within 3 days. In the case of allergies, you'll know exactly what caused it. Also, try to a new type of food appearing in the diet of the child is not the cup twice a month. Avoid meat and some grains up to 8 months of age. Allergic reactions in infants have the following symptoms:

* Diarrhea
* Insomnia
* Weeping
* A rash on the face, especially around the mouth
* Rhinitis
* A strong stimulation of the skin under the diaper
* Vomiting
* Watery eyes
* Sipyaschee or wheezing
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Basic childcare

After the arrival of a child born, parents begin to understand that before them - a new man, which requires great attention and care. Sometimes it even seems that they can not handle. But it is not. The child's probably just inexperienced father and mother, who had not yet fully confident changing diapers or dressing your baby. With the birth of the child before the older open a new wide field of activity in which they will soon become true experts. The main thing - to calm down and enjoy communicating with your child.


First you should decide how to use diapers: disposable or reusable cotton. Disposable diapers are very convenient, so 80% of children grow up in them. Cotton nappies are also on sale, and many parents prefer to use them.

Before diapering should prepare everything that you may need:

· Himself diaper.

· For reusable nappies: inserts and clips.

· For the youngest children: soaked in warm water and a cotton swab and a soft cloth to wipe the ass baby dry. For older children: sanitary napkins without alcohol impregnation (so as not to irritate baby's sensitive skin).

· Cream or ointment (if intertrigo).

· Set of clothes for changing clothes, including socks.

Here is an example sequence of actions when changing diapers:

· Wash and wipe dry hands

· Putting a child on changing table or on a special mattress

· Remove the used diaper

· Wipe ass child, using soaked in warm water and cotton swab or sanitary napkins.

If · cause chafing cream.

· Put on a new diaper:

o Most of reusable diapers are sold in folded form. They are already ready to use. It is necessary to put the child in the middle of the diaper, to raise the front end up and connect to the rear on each side. Seal edges diaper, and on top put on pants.
o For putting on disposable diapers need to expand it, put the child in the center and fix the Velcro on the belt.

· Discard the used diaper in the trash.

Can not leave the child to the changing table unattended.

Bathing baby

Newborn babies do not need to bathe. Within a few weeks after birth until the umbilical wound has healed, the child enough rubdown with a damp sponge. Moisture on navel only slows down the process of healing wounds. After the navel heals, you can begin to bathe the baby in the bath with a small amount of warm water. This should be done very carefully and long. If the child does not like water therapy, you can not insist on them. In this case, even for 1-2 weeks, you can wipe your baby with a sponge. He let you know when will be ready to present bathing.

Before bathing, make sure that the room was warm, and prepare all necessary:

· Tray

· Children Soap

• Stuffed cloth

· Towel

· Baby Shampoo (if already growing hair)

· Ladle or a jug for rinsing

Toys newborns do not really need. All of these ducks, fish, rubber, and even book your child will need when he was much to be swimming in the big bath.

How to bath your baby?


· Putting a child on a special mattress or changing table. When sponging on the table make sure that the baby did not fall, stick to it with one hand.

· Prepare a container of warm water, a soft washcloth and baby soap. During a rubdown should keep the baby wrapped in a towel and lay bare some parts of the body in turn.

· Wipe the baby's face with a napkin dipped in water without soap (so it does not fall into the eyes or mouth of the child). Then wipe his body with soap and water. Particular attention should be paid to the armpit, neck, BTE depressions and genitals.

Bathing in the bath:

· Fill the tub to 6 cm of warm (not hot!) Water, check its temperature inside of the wrist or elbow. Undress him and immediately put the child in the water, so it is not frozen. While supporting baby's head arm, carefully put it in the tub. While bathing, gently encouraged to talk with the child.

• In view of security the body and face of the child should be above the water surface. To the child is not frozen, you can often throw it in warm water.

· With a soft, damp washcloth to wash face and hair, baby. The shampoo should be applied 1-2 times a week. You can gently massage the scalp of the child. Washing and soap scum from the head, should cover the child's eyes with his hand, that they do not hit soap.

· If soap still got into eyes, wash them with a soft cloth dampened with warm water.

· Wash the baby's body from top to bottom. Buttocks and genitals of the child wash their last.

• Following cleaning wipe baby with a soft towel. The hood will provide warmth of the head until the hair is not dry.

· When washing, use warm water, not hot. The water temperature should not exceed 38-40 º C. Fill the tub with water to advance - before you put the child there.

• For bathing necessarily always hold the baby's head with his hand.


· Leave a child unattended in the bath.

· Stop child's ears with cotton swabs, as they just pushed into the ear sulfur. In addition, since you may damage the eardrum.

How to dress baby

Choose clothes that are easy to put on and remove. The most comfortable clothes on the buttons in the neck, chest, crotch and legs. Fasteners front is preferable to the back. Disguise the child need only when clothing is really very dirty. Minor contamination can be washed wet napkin.

Here are some tips to help alleviate the problem:

· Putting a child on changing table or other flat surface, such as a bed.

· Prepare clean clothes, stretch the collar to the head of the child could walk through.

· Instead of stuffing the child's hand in his sleeve, just insert it in the beginning and carefully Stretch sleeve length.

· To buckle and zipper undoing most pushes it from the body and be very careful.

Care for children's teeth

Once the baby teeth erupt, for them to start caring. To clean even the first tooth appeared. Here are some tips to help preserve the health of children's teeth:

· Best way to clean first teeth - wipe them with a damp cloth.

When · prorezhetsya more teeth, you can start using a soft baby toothbrush.

· Ensure that your child does not fall asleep with a bottle in his mouth. The food remains in the mouth, contributes to the development of caries.

Temperature measurement in a child

In the first year of life, the baby probably at least once the temperature rises, and it will be measured. There are three basic ways to determine body temperature.

* Rectal - the most accurate way.

o Take the mercury thermometer for a wide end and shake off a quick, sharp movement of the hand, while he will not show less than 35 º C.
o Wipe the tip of the thermometer liquid soap or alcohol and rinse with cold running water.
o Lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly or other lubricant.
o Place baby face down on a flat surface (in bed) or to their knees, if the child is very small.
o Holding the back of the child, not allowing him to roll over.
o Use one hand to take the thermometer and gently put it on 1,5-2,5 cm into the rectum. Hold thermometer for 2 minutes, then pull out and see the evidence.
o temperature above 37,7 º C means that the child is sick.

* Underarm measurement - less accurate but more simple and enjoyable way.

o Take the mercury thermometer for a wide end and shake it quick, sharp movement of the hand, while he will not show less than 35 º C.
o Remove from baby garments and shirt.
o Ensure that the child's dry armpit.
o Insert the narrow end of the thermometer in the armpit, lower the child's hand and hold the baby's elbow to the thermometer did not fall.
o Wait for 4-5 minutes and watch the thermometer readings. Usually the result of the axillary measurements at 1-2 degrees lower than rectal.

* Measurement in the ear - the least accurate way to measure the temperature. Measure the temperature in the ear should be an experienced specialist. Better see a doctor, so he showed how it's done.

Nail Grooming

The baby nails are very thin and soft. They need to shave only after they ogrubeyut (as in this case, the child may scratch). Here are some tips:

* It is best to use nail clippers baby scissors with blunt tips or a soft nail files.
* After bathing baby nails are softer, and he relaxes. This is the best time for clipping nails.
* You can cut the nails when the baby sleeps.
* Nails children grow very quickly, so you'll have to cut them at least 1 to 2 times a week.
* Toe nails do not grow so fast. They need to cut only 1-2 times a month.

Sleep Problems

With 2 months the child begins to sleep less during the day. In this age gradually establishes a regime of sleep, and wakes up the baby less often at night. At 3 months, many children sleep at night for 7-8 hours in a row without awakenings. Here's what you can do to make the child sleep better at night:

* Be the baby, do not let him sleep for too long afternoon. So he is more tired and less likely to wake up at night.
* Before going to sleep well feed the child, that he did not wake up from hunger.
* Sometimes children confuse day and night. During the day they want to sleep well at night - to play. To avoid this should be done at night vigil as possible boring. Waking the baby can feed and change, but do not have to play with him and talk. You can not even turn on the lights.
* Some children wake up with the first rays of the sun. To avoid this, zashtorte window.
* Do not run to the child every time he sobs. Sometimes children in the shallow stage of sleep steep and scream, and then calmly and deeply asleep.
Rx Oklahoma

Breastfeeding and working

It is well known that the most beneficial for the baby is breast milk. Nevertheless, nearly a third of young mothers in developed countries stop breastfeeding shortly after returning to work.

Pumping milk at work

Many mothers think that the work they will not have time to pump milk or just shy. However, modern Breast pumps help make this very quickly, quietly and unobtrusively. Therefore it is not necessary to risk a healthy baby after returning to work.

Doctors recommend breast milk to feed the child during the first 6 months of his life, and in the U.S. in some states even have laws that protect the right of women to pump milk at work. Here's what you can do in this situation.

Discuss your problem with the head

Consider everything before you return to work. If you are in the office are no special rooms for pumping milk, try to find a readily available, empty room with a lockable door. Toilet rooms are not suitable, because it is difficult to retire and, moreover, not clear.

For pumping milk you need a 15-20 minute break every 3-4 hours. If necessary, arrange with the chief to come earlier or leave later to compensate for lost time.

Right to pump milk

* Choose a good breast pump. Electric breast pump with two-phase pumping is most effective, but for mothers who work part-time, will approach and manual breast pump. Keep on the work of spare parts for the Breast, in case you forget them at home.
* Prepare the child. About 4 weeks of feeding the child breast milk from a bottle. By this time the child is already good at her breast and the transition to bottle feeding, as a rule, no problem.
* Wear appropriate clothing. Wearing loose clothing with buttons facilitate your task. Do not forget the special pads for the chest, the clothes are not wet.
* Consider where you will store the milk. Express milk in feeding bottles or storage. If you pumped out more milk than necessary for your child the next day, the excess can be stored in a freezer in special bags. If there is no refrigerator, put in bags filled with ice bag with a thermos.
* Take stock. A week before returning to work to pump milk 1-2 times a day and freeze it in chunks of 60-120 ml. You can use this milk in the first day I go out to work, and subsequently in the case of surprises.
* Wash Breast details. Between the use of wash Breast edge of the crater and hot water and soap. You can store your accessories in the refrigerator in a plastic bag fastened or wrapped in a special antimicrobial wipes, which are sold in-store baby supplies.
* Keep track of each other. If you are calm during pumping, you can pump out more milk. If you look at a picture of their baby, it will also facilitate the procedure. Do not forget during the day to drink more water.

Try "working day"

Before the end of maternity leave, arrange a test. Inviting a half-day man who will care for the child in your absence. Try to plan everything as if you were at work, and see what happens.

Ideally, you should turn out to pump out enough milk for tomorrow's feeding for 2-3 hours. If milk is not enough or it becomes smaller, consult your doctor.
Rx Virginia